A sample of Amazon reviews with names blurred out

You’ve got a lot to answer for, Adrian Frost!



I was stopped in the street in the village where I live. A  driver wound their window down to say, ‘Adrian Frost!You’ve got a lot to answer for!’ My mind raced, trying to think what local misdemeanours I might be responsible for, but then she added, ‘I was all day in the garden, pulling out weeds, and where was my husband? Sat inside with his feet up, reading your novel!’ One of my favourite pieces of feedback.

My readers have been very kind in their remarks. It’s true that at the back of my book I urge… implore even… readers to leave reviews, but they’re all voluntary and I’m touched that people have taken the time to leave reviews on Amazon and Goodreads. As a lot of sales have gone to people who know me, I recognise most of my reviewers, but there are one or two that I don’t know and it’s thrilling to get kind reviews from strangers. And thanks to reviews like these (and a fair amount of advertising), sales are starting to pick up – in the States even – so it’s all very gratifying.


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